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已有 2982 次阅读2015-7-26 00:01 |系统分类:养生健康 | 宽屏 请点击显示宽屏,再点击恢复窄屏 | 动漫全图 如只见部分动漫,请点击显示全图,再点击恢复窄图


作者:Lorie Johnson




它涉及切割出碳水化合物,以最糟糕的碳水化合物开始 - 糖。



医生给我活3个月,因为在我的骨骼结构中癌广泛转移,他回忆说。 三个月,三个不同的医生告诉我说同样的话。




癌症不见了!他感叹道。 完全。到今天,没有一丝癌的踪迹,而且它已经一年多了。





我们用代谢疗法已经大大增加生存率,他说。 因此,我们认为,重要的是要得到这些信息了。

这不只是实验室小鼠。达戈斯蒂诺博士也看到了人们类似的成功 - 其中很多。

我一直在用书信和一些人联系,他说。 至少有十几个人在过去的一年和一年半到两年,他们所有的人都还活着,尽管是可能性。所以这是非常令人鼓舞的。












胆固醇是心脏疾病的主要原因吗?心脏病专家斯蒂芬博士西纳特拉问。 绝对不是。







Starving Cancer: Ketogenic Diet a Key to Recovery

Lorie Johnson
CBN News Medical Reporter
Lorie Johnson reports on the latest information about health and
wellness. Since medicine is constantly changing, she makes sure CBN
News viewers are up-to-date on what they need to know in order to live
a healthy life. Follow Lorie on Twitter @LorieCBNand "like" her at

Friday, June 21, 2013


Many people are frustrated with today's cancer treatments. They are
expensive, painful and often just don't work.
However, there is a new cancer treatment that is free, has virtually
no side effects, and can be used in conjunction with other cancer
It involves cutting out carbohydrates, beginning with the worst carb
of all - sugar.
Killing Cancer
Dr. Fred Hatfield is an impressive guy: a power-lifting champion,
author of dozens of books, a millionaire businessman with a beautiful
wife. But he'll tell you his greatest accomplishment is killing his
cancer just in the nick of time.
"The doctors gave me three months to live because of widespread
metastatic cancer in my skeletal structure," he recalled. "Three
months, three different doctors told me that same thing."
His wife Gloria remembers it well.
"It's a horrible, horrible feeling to have someone tell you that the
person you love only has three months to live and you're not going to
be with him any more," she said.
While Hatfield was preparing to die, he heard about an anti-cancer
diet, also known as metabolic therapy. With nothing to lose, he gave
it a try and was shocked when it actually worked.
"The cancer was gone!" he exclaimed. "Completely. To this day there's
no trace of it. And it's been over a year."
Starving Bad Cells
Although it wasn't easy, Hatfield stopped eating carbohydrates, which
turn into glucose inside your body. Cancer cells love glucose and need
it so badly, that if you stop giving it to them, they die.
"It just absolutely amazes me that medical science is just now finding
this out," he said.
Hatfield's cancer recovery, however, was not a surprise to Dr. Dominic
D'Agostino, who researches metabolic therapy. When he and his team of
scientists at the University of South Florida removed carbohydrates
from the diets of lab mice, the mice survived highly aggressive
metastatic cancer even better than when they were treated with
"We have dramatically increased survival with metabolic therapy," he
said. "So we think it's important to get this information out."
It's not just lab mice. Dr. D'Agostino has also seen similar success
in people - lots of them.
"I've been in correspondence with a number of people," he said. "At
least a dozen over the last year-and-a-half to two years, and all of
them are still alive, despite the odds. So this is very encouraging."
The Ketogenic Diet
All cells, including cancer cells, are fueled by glucose. But if you
deprive them of glucose, they switch to the alternate fuel, ketone
Except cancer cells. A defect prevents them from making the switch to
using ketone bodies as fuel and therefore, cancer cells can only
survive on glucose. All other cells can use either glucose or ketone
"Your normal cells have the metabolic flexibility to adapt from using
glucose to using ketone bodies. But cancer cells lack this metabolic
flexibility. So we can exploit that," Dr. D'Agostino explained.
People like Hatfield, who want to deprive their cells of glucose and
fuel them with ketone bodies instead, eat what's known as a ketogenic
diet. It consists of almost zero carbohydrates, but lots of natural
proteins and fats.
Gloria said the food on the ketogenic diet is in every grocery store
and is pretty easy to prepare.
"You can go online and there's cook books," she said, "It's clean
eating. Just very clean eating, none of the sugars, the salts, the
trash food."
"Natural" proteins are ones that are in their original form. On the
other hand, "processed" meats, like cold cuts and hot dogs, are
off-limits because often carbohydrates have been added to them.
Similarly, "natural" fats are whole foods, like olive oil, avocados,
and nuts. Stay away from "trans" fats, such as shortening or
margarine, any oil that is hydrogenated. Trans fats are man-made.
Safe & Healthy
Sometimes people are afraid to try the ketogenic diet because they
think eating fat like this is bad for your heart. But more doctors say
as long as it's natural, fat is good for you, even saturated fat like
coconut oil and butter.
"Is cholesterol the major cause of heart disease?" cardiologist Dr.
Stephen Sinatra asked. "Absolutely not."
In his book, The Great Cholesterol Myth, Dr. Sinatra said the real
cause of heart disease is inflammation, which comes from eating too
many carbohydrates.
"We need to coach our patients and empower our patients about the
dangers of sugar," he said. "Unfortunately, they're not hearing that.
They're hearing the converse, the dangers of fat. Fat is healthy for
you, as long as you avoid trans fats."
So by cutting back on carbohydrates and eating natural fats and
proteins, you could improve your heart health and even wipe out
Additional Information:
The ketogenic diet has also proven successful in treating epilepsy.
For more information, go to The Charlie Foundation.
For additional resources and recipes for delicious ketogenic diet
foods, such as breads and cupcakes with all natural ingredients, check
out the following resources:
 500 Low-Carb Recipes: 500 Recipes from Snacks to Dessert, That the
Whole Family Will Love
 The Cantin Ketogenic Diet: For Cancer, Type I Diabetes & Other Ailments
 RSG1 Foundation
 Solace Nutrition
 Dietary Therapies LLC - Miriam Kalamian, ketogenic diet consultant for cancer
 KetoNutrition - Information, resources and supplies for metabolic
management of cancer.
 KetoTherapeutics - a ketogenic diet support website.

Related Stories:
Cholesterol Myth: What Really Causes Heart Disease?
Brain Shrinkage? Trans Fats Link to Alzheimer's
Ketogenic Diet: Fatty Foods a Cure for Epilepsy?
Related Links:
Ketogenic Diet Resource
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management, and
Prevention of Cancer
International Sports Sciences Association
Here is an e-book called “Fighting Cancer With The Ketogenic Diet"
Dr. Joseph's Mercola's interview with Professor Thomas Seyfried about
the ketogenic diet as a treatment for cancer.
Research study showing Ketogenic Diet prolongs survival against
metastatic cancer.
Commercial source for ketone supplements. The products on this site
are STRICTLY for research only and NOT for cancer patients. This site
is a resource for scientists interested in pursuing ketone research
for cancer or neurological diseases.
84 Comment(s)
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entery Nov 29, 2014 at 5:27 am
I followed this metabolic cancer protocol, described in more detail
here http://metaboliccancer.com. it helped me alot.

CopyKat Mar 16, 2014 at 5:25 pm
I tried this diet for 10 days and it cured my GERD. I don't get acid
reflux anymore. I'm going to do this every 2 months from now on 10
days on 50 day off.

mhikl Jan 22, 2014 at 4:12 pm
I have been on a ketogenic diet for well over two years, and though I
do have some carbs for occasional pleasure, their frequency is
falling. Study and research is the best we can do without the help of
the medical profession, who turn a blind eye to anything other than
heroic medicine and its emerg... View More..

Julz Nov 16, 2013 at 9:50 pm
Hi my daughter has aggressive brain cancer and is on the Ketogenic
Diet, I've got a query is it bad for her body to go into Ketosis?? She
still has a healthy appetite, her partner has her on 5 small meals a
day' has been on Chemotherapy tablets for 2 weeks and has no side
effects yet?

Aileen Oct 25, 2013 at 11:40 am
How many days is the requirement for fasting to take away cancer cells?

Veggie_1 Jul 20, 2013 at 5:24 am
We certainly agree with the possibility and efficacy of starving
cancer cells. We came to it through the Hallelujah Diet. The
difference seems to be the continued inclusion of so-called protein in
the usual ketogenic diet approach. With animal protein, never intended
for human consumption, cells are... View More..

Eric Westman Jul 4, 2013 at 10:06 am
We have used a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet at the Duke Lifestyle
Medicine Clinic for over 5 years to treat obesity, diabetes, and many
other medical conditions. Our approach is described in a book now
available at amazon.com: The Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diet Manual by
Eric C. Westman MD.

Patricia Jun 30, 2013 at 2:15 pm
My sister was diagnosed by Kaiser that she had Ovarian cancer in the
fourth stage. they gave her 6 monhs to live if not treated . If
treated she was given one year to live. She refused all treatment and
went to see Dr. Henry Bieler MD. Dr Bieler said he thought he could
help her. She went on his pre...View More..

Nicole Jun 23, 2013 at 9:57 am
I've been sugar free for about 10 years and on the ketogenic diet
(carbohydrate free)now over two years and never been in such good
health. No more gut problems, no more migraines (had a two week
migraine every month), no more allergies (I was allergic to almost
everything) and not needed a dentist ... View More..

Stephen Jun 21, 2013 at 3:47 pm
I can confirm this. Everything that is said in this articile. My case
was actually not cancer, but a form of toxicity from medication. I
switched over to a high protein, low carb diet. The diet consisted of
tilapia fish and chicken, with basil, and about 8 graps on it for
every meal. Some olive oil,... View More..










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