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已有 700 次阅读2015-10-27 10:39 |系统分类:法律园地| 王立山医生 | 宽屏 请点击显示宽屏,再点击恢复窄屏 | 动漫全图 如只见部分动漫,请点击显示全图,再点击恢复窄图



不 知情的人总以为精神病院比监狱好,但是王知道这医院里的几个“病号”已经后悔用精神辩护这条。他们说还不如当初被判入狱更好。比如一个人判刑期20 年,20年后就自由了,谁也档不住。但是在精神病院20年以后医生不一定放你,医生可以说这个人没有具备出去的状态。有一个“病号”本来“判”进医院是 15年,但是医生一拖再拖现在已经20年了,还是出院无望。

现在一个“病号”花费州里每年100万美元,而州政府穷的要命,一直说要削减 开支减少病人,如此以来医院的医护工作者要加大力度拉人马,要让州立知道这里“病号”实则多,万万不得减少开支。而这个Ullman律师看来是拥护医院 的,把王立山关入精神病院,一来可以掩盖前雇主纽约Brooklin犹太医院疏忽造成病人死亡的恶行,二来可以帮助监狱医院维持金饭碗,何乐而不为?

王 说他总算看清美国这体制,一切程序天衣无缝,做成铁案根本无法翻案,合法腐败,合法黑暗,比中国的独裁体制还坏。医护人员找他聊天,选择性的问话,有目的 地曲解,然后编造他有精神病。他说他算是明白我无数次警告他尽量不要跟他们说话的意思了。问题是如果自己没有经历,别人警告再多也没用。

Defying Order, Wang Continues As Own Attorney

by | Oct 26, 2015 7:42 am

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Dr. Lishan Wang, who has lost his right to represent himself at his murder trial after having been declared mentally incompetent, continues to act as his own attorney. At least that’s what motions filed this month in court show. 

In anticipation of a “health care” hearing to be held today in New Haven Superior Court in which testimony will be taken “for the involuntary medication of a defendant,” Dr. Wang filed motions seeking a second opinion from an expert witness about a previous diagnosis “of the defendant’s schizophrenia.” He also filed a motion to subpoena his own medical records from the Whiting Forensic Division of Connecticut Valley Hospital, where he is now a patient. He has said in no uncertain terms that he is opposed to receiving anti-psychotic drugs against his will

Chief Public Defender Thomas J. Ullmann has been appointed by Superior Court Judge Thomas V. O’Keefe, Jr. to represent Dr. Wang. Dr. Wang asked Ullmann in a handwritten note to file at least one of the motions on his behalf. However, Ullmann’s name and signature and that of the public defender’s office are not part of any of the Wang motions. In April Judge O’Keefe ruled that Dr. Wang was not mentally competent to stand trial and was no longer to act as his own attorney in his murder case. The judge revoked Dr. Wang’s “pro se” status. Click here to read the story.

Over the course of five and one-half years, Dr. Wang has written hundreds of motions to the court so the fact that he is no longer representing himself and is not supposed to represent himself hasn’t stopped him. He says in one of the motions that taking care of his own “legal case ‘pro se’ is therapeutic…”

Dr. Wang was arrested in April 2010, and charged with the shooting death of Dr. Vanjinder Toor, a Yale doctor who previously had been Dr. Wang’s supervisor at a New York hospital. The case has yet to get to trial. Dr. Wang believes Dr. Toor was responsible for his firing in 2008. Dr. Wang travelled from Georgia where he lived with wife and children to Branford and lay in wait for Dr. Toor as he left his Branford condo one morning. He is also accused of attempting to kill Dr. Toor’s wife.

In September, Judge O’Keefe, the trial judge, appointed Dr. Gail Sicila as Dr. Wang’s health care guardian. She has had access to Dr. Wang’s psychiatric records and is expected to file a report in court today on her findings. She has also interviewed him, court papers say.

The report will also contain her recommendations regarding giving Dr. Wang psychiatric medication. In his order, the judge said Dr. Sicila will also include in her report “the risks and benefits of such medication, the likelihood and seriousness of any adverse side effects and the prognosis with and without such medication.” 

Statutes allow for the forced or “involuntary medication of a defendant.” Both prosecution and defense attorneys agreed on her appointment. Senior Assistant State’s Attorney Eugene Calistro, Jr., the prosecutor in the case, will oversee the health hearing and call the witnesses, including Dr. Sicila.

In his motion for a second medical opinion on his mental state, Dr. Wang said he does “NOT have schizophrenia and respectfully requests to be seen by an independent psychiatrist with help of a Chinese interpreter for a second opinion.” He said no one at Whiting “had ever discussed with the Defendant about his so-called suffering from ‘schizophrenia,’ not even at the regular “group meetings: when the doctors and others talked to patients about the treatment plans.”

Dr. Wang said he had no behavior problems at Whiting. “‘Do no harm’ is the norm of patient care. It is brutal to drug the defendant before trial or simply because the State wants to win at trial.”  He also writes that “What the defendant would like Your Honor to know is that the defendant is a normal person (at least lately) trying to live up to the expectation of good-willed people. He had NEVER thought he is better than anyone else without justifiable reasons…”

Dr. Wang took issue with the report of Dr. Mark S. Cotterell, which was entered into evidence in September, and asked that he allowed to cross-examine the doctors who prepared the report and to call other witnesses from Whiting. Click here to the read the story of his testimony. Dr. Cotterell is a psychiatrist who oversees all mental competency cases at Connecticut Valley Hospital’s Whiting forensic division in Middletown. Dr. Cotterell told the court in September that at this time, “We find him not currently competent.”

Dr. Wang takes issue with Dr. Cotterell’s current findings of his mental state saying his report “needs to be compared to the reports he had produced in 2010, 2011 and June 2015 and Dr. Wang’s mental health.”









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