翰山: 前几天我写修宪文章没有引,还有一个原因,就是作为国家形式,共和比民主更好。这点,许多中国人(包括百度)没有理解。共和是Rule of Law(法制),民主是Rule of People(人(民)治),或Mojority Rule,还是人治。人治就依靠人。人不做了(比如,毛,1954年之后,不听黄炎培的了,他就没有办法了) (3-8 07:56)
翰山: The word ”Democracy” comes from two words: Demos meaning ”people,” and Kratin meaning ”to rule,” therefore democracy means ”Majority Rule.” Majority rule may sound like a good idea, but essentially it actually translates to mean ”mob rule.” (3-8 12:43)
翰山: The Founding Fathers had good reason to think of democracy with contempt, due to their knowledge of history of democracy in the early Greek city-states which produced some of the wildest excesses of government imaginable— in every case ending up with mob rule leading to anarchy and finally tyranny under an oligarchy.(3-8 12:44)