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分享 AI 几何,80%都出错 --- 一个AI的负面例子
翰山 2025-1-30 18:14
AI 几何,80%都出错 --- 一个AI的负面例子
【前注】最近写了两篇AI的文章,发现AI吹的很高,其实非常不成熟。下面三篇文字作为一个现阶段对AI的认识: 融入AI 最近十年,中国GDP占美国的比例 --- 问问AI --- 一个AI的测试例子 AI 几何,80%都出错 --- 一个AI的负面例子 豆包 --- AI 制作视频举例( 待发 ) AI 几何,80%都出错 --- 一个AI的 ...
个人分类: Tech|47 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 融入AI
翰山 2025-1-21 14:04
AI --- 人工智能 --- 一夜之间突然就火了,现在别说自动驾驶,乌俄战场上的精准打击,就连AI小哥都知道可以用AI提高外卖递送效率。我们每个人都在 或者被动地接触AI, 或者主动地利用AI。 这其实是我自己经历的对AI的接触和融入过程。这篇文字作为记录。由于此文源于AI的中文搜索的一个案例,所以本文用中文 ...
个人分类: Tech|78 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 SQL Performance (2), Optimized SELECT Query (B)
翰山 2021-5-15 21:32
SQL Performance (2), Optimized SELECT Query (B)
This series of articles will discuss SQL server performance. In the title, I use SQL Perfromance because thearticles could include SQL statement (Query) optimization and also include SQL Server performance issues, and probably include stored procedure performance issue. SQL Perform ...
个人分类: Tech|2481 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack
翰山 2021-4-11 17:38
WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack
In this series of articles, we will discuss the major features of WCF: WCF (1), Basics WCF (2), Contracts in Various Types WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack --- this article A: Introduction Bindings and binding elements are the connection ...
个人分类: Tech|1051 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 WCF (2), Contracts in Various Types
翰山 2021-4-11 17:31
In this series of articles, we will discuss the major features of WCF: WCF (1), Basics WCF (2), Contracts in Various Types --- this article WCF (3), Bindings and Channel Stack ABC of an EndPoint in WCF: from Contracts are i ...
个人分类: Tech|6273 次阅读|0 个评论

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