法律的规则是:谁起诉,谁举证( The person bringing the lawsuit, the plaintiff, has the burden of proving the elements of his lawsuit. )。 小月本来做个非律,在网上做一些普法教育,反正是看不见摸不着,谁也不知道对错,沽名钓誉 ...
问题一:enter a default。对于这个问题,不太确定,下面已经是老农最好的理解了。请紫气东来帮助给出更好,更准确的翻译。 问题二,句子:“When a party against whom a judgment for affirmative relief is sought has failed to plead or otherwise defend” 的翻译。对于这个问题,我还是比较确定 ...
话说小月连续两次被加州法院裁决船票没送到,法官却不嫌弃他,还给他具体建议。第一次,给了一行的建议: The Court notes that Defendant can be served relatively easily. See CCP § 415.40 . 第二次,给了一段建议,让其到海牙公约去找: Plaintif ...
岳电邮送传票动议被法官彻底否定,“ The Motion of Plaintiff for an order authorizing Plaintiff to server Defendant with Summons and Complaint by Electronic Mail is DENIED . Plaintiff has not provided the Court with a ...
Fed. R. Civ. P. 45(c) Rule 45. Subpoena (c) (c) Place of Compliance. (1) For a Trial, Hearing, or Deposition. A subpoena may command a person to attend a trial, hearing, or deposition only as follows : (A) within 100 miles of where the person resides ...
iMan 横行乡里,得罪人众,被各网屡禁。对他的反击本是顺从民意,岳的诉讼却丢掉了所有舆论支持,被 N 岸 N 地一面倒唾骂。这是为什么?这和 6.4 有一比,当年学生娃不知天高地厚,不可一世,估计多数人都摇头,可是当坦克上街,人们自然会同情弱者。 iMan 亦如此,他再闹,也不过是网上撒泼,对网友讽刺揶揄, ...