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大学拉拉队跳性感热舞被批是引诱犯罪文化Cheerleaders' sexy dance routines under fire for 'encouraging rape culture'   
  • 游弋: The 2nd video is from the most hilarious scene of the movie : Bring It On  =>  "I'm sexy, I’m cute, I’m popular to boot.  I'm bitching, great hair, The boys all love to stare.  I'm wanted, I’m hot, I’m everything you're not. I'm pretty, I’m cool,  I dominate this school.   Who am l, just guess, Guys wanna touch my chest. I'm rockin', I smile, And many think I’m vile. I'm flyin', I jump, You can look but don't you hump, whoo.   I'm major, I roar, I swear I’m not a whore.  We cheer and we lead, We act like we're on speed. Hate us 'cause we're beautiful, Well, we don't like you either. We're cheerleaders, We are cheerleaders...Uh-huh  ....." (3-29 20:48)
2015-3-29 20:47 回复|


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