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热度 4已有 1407 次阅读2015-5-17 11:46 |系统分类:英文分享 | 宽屏 请点击显示宽屏,再点击恢复窄屏 | 动漫全图 如只见部分动漫,请点击显示全图,再点击恢复窄图

译者: Lineker 原作者:Brian Fairbanks
Anna Chapman is a sexy Russian spy.


Well, the "spy" part is now in dispute in federal court, but the "sexy Russian" part is not in dispute. The 28-year-old divorced émigré has a résumé that the New York Post described as "a masters in economics, an online real-estate business, a fancy Financial District apartment and a Victoria's Secret body."


Our new sugar mama only had to show up once a week at a New York City coffee shop and exchange documents with a Russian government agent, and then she was free to party to her hearts content, getting close to elected officials. (She must have had some success seducing them, since she's been exchanging info since at least January, according to investigators.)


If they put Ms. Chapman in the slammer for a couple of decades, it's not the end of the world; there are half a dozen other tempestuous vixens floating around the spy community for us to mistakenly be seduced by.


Keep reading for our irresistibly dangerous list of the hottest spies who ever infiltrated enemy territory.


Maria Konnenkova

玛丽亚·科伦科娃(Maria Konnenkova)

If you think about it, Russian spy Maria Konnenkova had a great and often under-appreciated effect on the Cold War. The Russian babe, described by some as "very beautiful, charming, well-educated, sly," bedded Albert Einstein and got chummy with Robert Oppenheimer, all in an attempt to dig up secrets about the Manhattan Project. Her discoveries helped the Russians understand the American atomic bomb and led to endless paranoia and years of bad Boris Yelstin jokes.


Krystyna Skarbek

克里斯蒂娜·斯卡贝克(Krystyna Skarbek)

Skarbek led a life that princesses and debutantes can only dream of: She was one of the original British female spies, for starters. (Her friendship with Ian Fleming led him to create the character Vesper Lind, eventually played by Eva Green in "Casino Royale.") She is almost solely responsible for inspiring MI6 to create jobs for women in the spying community, which would be accomplishment enough for a lifetime, but it's her badass exploits that we love most of all.


Perhaps her most memorable spy maneuver took place in January 1941, when she was arrested by the Gestapo in Poland. Taken to the police station, she bit off a piece of her own tongue and claimed to have been diagnosed with tuberculosis, causing the Germans to freak out and release her immediately.


Josephine Baker

约瑟芬·贝克(Josephine Baker)

Baker was unquestionably one of the greatest Americans of the 20th century. She integrated concert venues and the motion picture industry, almost took over as the leader of the Civil Rights Movement after Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, and, best of all, saved untold lives in the French resistance movement during WWII. By writing in invisible ink on her song sheets, she was able to pass information through occupied France and into Egypt, England, the U.S. and several other allied or neutral countries. When she died in 1975, she became the first woman to receive a full military funeral in France.


Mata Hari

玛塔·哈里(Mata Hari)

Ms. Hari has the distinction of being the only spy on our list to be executed by firing squad. The Dutch courtesan and sexy dancer was working for French intelligence during World War I, but her supervisor, later revealed to be a double agent for Germany, framed her as working both sides to cover his ass. Unfortunately for the beautiful Hari, she was found guilty of espionage and executed in 1917. It wasn't until 68 years later that government documents became publicly available and proved her innocence.


Violette Szabo

维奥莱特·萨博(Violette Szabo)

After teenage goddess Violette Szabo's young husband was killed in action during WWII, Szabo decided to take revenge by joining British Special Operations. She used her fluency in French, knowledge of explosives, sabotage, evasion and parachuting to rebuild France's resistance movement in early 1944. After being stopped at a roadblock on June 10, Szabo wasted no time in unloading her gun at German troops, although she was still arrested. She died at a nearby concentration camp eight months later, never having given up the names of her fellow fighters.


Andrée Peel

安德瑞·佩尔(Andrée Peel)

Andrée Peel was an unassuming quiet, married woman who ran a beauty salon in Brest (heh), France, when the Germans invaded and laid waste to the countryside. Peel became the leader of the local anti-Nazi movement, providing landing strips, safe passage for wayward freedom fighters and publishing unfiltered newspapers with factual accounts of the war.


Eventually, she was ratted out and sent to the Buchenwald concentration camp, where she was due to be executed just seconds before American troops burst in and rescued her. She ended up surviving the war, earning the Presidential Medal of Freedom and living a happy life. She only passed away in March.


Natasha Fatale

娜塔莎·法塔尔(Natasha Fatale)

Who wouldn't have a fling with the daughter of Count Dracula? The former Miss Transylvania in her teen years, Fatale moved to America at the age of 19 and soon teamed up with a young buck named Boris Badenov after they discovered their shared affinity for throwing rocks at Girl Scouts. And while this tormentor of Rocky and Bullwinkle isn't real, there's always the real-life actress who played her, whom we almost prefer anyway: Rene Russo.

娜塔莎·法塔尔是德古拉伯爵的唯一女儿,曾是特兰西瓦尼亚地区小姐,19岁时移居美国,很快与一位名叫鲍里斯·巴登诺夫的纨侉子弟勾结在一起,他们的共同爱好是向女童军们扔石头。当然,以上这些只是卡通电影《波波鹿与飞天鼠》中的虚构情节,但电影中的娜塔莎·法塔尔则是由真人演员蕾妮·罗素(Rene Russo)所扮演的。

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回复 翰山 2015-5-17 11:54
回复 夺标 2015-5-17 11:59
翰山: 还没有碰到过美女特工,看来还是没有有价值的情报啊!
回复 cannaa 2015-5-17 12:35

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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