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夺标的个人空间 http://s541722682.onlinehome.us/?1265 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]



已有 586 次阅读2018-2-7 08:32 |系统分类:原创博文 | 宽屏 请点击显示宽屏,再点击恢复窄屏 | 动漫全图 如只见部分动漫,请点击显示全图,再点击恢复窄图



您还言之凿凿说“讼棍儿”男网主曾经在美国的律师部门工作,所以您对他有信心---我笑喷了!您也见识过他的英文笔译,我也才又浏览了他新写的英文诉状,一如既往地,就那英文,我绝不相信他是专业的翻译官出身;而对于他的法律知识背景,我也一眼看穿,他给你们列举的德国法律Insult (Criminal Code Art. 185)、Defamation (Criminal Code Art. 186)、Slander (Criminal Code Art. 187)等英文版条款是他直接用谷歌翻译器翻的,因为他对于德语变格屈折的无知,所以“英-德”机器转换后的硬伤被标标一眼看出来了,而您这个女网主还哈巴儿地赞他“曾经在美国律师部门工作”而信心足足呢。您陪他玩下去吧,仰起脖梗,没等到FBI和德国警察,却等到了、、、

回复秦韵 2018-2-7 05:49老随曾经在美国的律师部门工作过,对法律上的事情知道得多。这可以从他一系列的博文中得知。 该投诉就投诉,该走律师就走律师。


热度 5已有 307 次阅读2018-2-5 10:23 |系统分类:政经学术

我已经通过FBI的网络crime tips 举报了小龙鱼对于我及其华人时空其他创办人的人身威胁。现把举报信贴出来备案。FBI 的举报网站链接如下:


Dear FBI officer:

I am reporting a potential personal threat posted by a blogger registered under the name of 小龙鱼 in Chinese on a website called hanshan.info. This blogger registered at our website called www. oscclub.com of which I am a co-founder two years ago.  Due to his violation of our blogger rules, his membership was canceled by us  in 10/17 and we believe animosity towards me and my partner was hence planted in his mind. Today he posted a blog evidently containing physical threat of our lives. Here is a copy of the his threat-containing blog:



更新于2018年1月2日 17:35 英国《金融时报》 布赖恩•哈里斯 , Kang Buseong 汉山报道

汉山新近成立的一支肩负着在战时除掉随笔(Sui Bi)任务的打击小分队遭到军事分析人士的抨击,这些分析人士认为它无法胜任这项任务,如果部署到**很可能会被“歼灭”。




Here is the blog link: http://hanshan.info/home.php?mod=space&uid=37&do=blog&id=11997

Translation of the key part: hanshan.info hastily established a two-member team to annihilate the founders of the website of oscclub.com 

We don't know if he is joking or he really means harm to us. I feel obliged to bring his threat to your attention. The owner of the website of hanshan.info should have the reported  IP and email address. He reveals he lives in Canada. 

You may contact me should you need further information about this incident.

best regards



夺标所为已属违法,今天将把她的个人信息和违法证据提交德国联邦警察 ... ...

热度 11已有 340 次阅读2018-2-6 22:49 |系统分类:政经学术


Insult (Criminal Code Art. 185) is punishable by up to one year in prison (two if committed “by means of an assault”) or a fine . 侮辱罪 - 最高入狱一年

Defamation (Criminal Code Art. 186) is defined as assert[ing] or disseminat[ing] a fact related to another person which may defame him or negatively affect public opinion about him”. It is punished with a fine or imprisonment for up to one year. A sentence of imprisonment for up to two years can be imposed if the act is “committed publicly or through the dissemination of written materials . 诽谤罪-最高入狱一年

Slander (Criminal Code Art. 187) consists of a defamatory statement that the speaker knows to be false and that is aimed at damaging a person’s reputation “or endanger[ing] his creditworthiness”. The punishment is a fine or imprisonment for up to two years. A sentence of imprisonment for up to five years can be imposed if the act is committed publicly or via media. 诬蔑罪-最高入狱两年。

夺标在过去的几个月来在汉山网发布了一系列针对多位博客个人的诽谤博文 <驴肝肺特辑系列>,在她公开发表的这些博文里,她以年龄,相貌和职业捏造虚假信息诬蔑诽谤其他博客,甚至于非法下载别人的私人图片用于公开诬蔑之目的。她的所作作为已经对多名无辜的博客包括本人及其我的太太造成了名誉伤害。我已经下载了她所有的 <驴肝肺特辑系列>,我也保留了她的IP 地址和邮件地址, 今天晚上回家后就会把这些信息和资料全部转给德国联邦警察 German Federal Criminal Police Office

E-mail address:  so17@bka.bund.de


Dear German Federal Police Officer:


I am a US citizen residing at  (真实地址) and reporting to your office disturbing blogs posted by a blogger registered under the name of  夺标 in Chinese who we believe lives in Germany.  I co-founded a discussion forum under the domain name of oscclub.com which serves as a platform for  bloggers of Chinese ethnicity around the world to shares life stories and views on a variety of issues, mainly social and cultural.  Our forum is open to public. This blogger I am reporting upon registered with us under the same name two years ago.  Her membership was terminated by us in October 2017 due to multiple complaints filed by her peer bloggers for her defamatory comments and ill-intents.  She hereafter went to a discussion forum akin to ours (domain name is hanshan.info) and posted a series of  disturbing blogs to mock  our bloggers’s age, body weight, physical appearance, professions etc. She even gave such a for-the-sole-purpose-to-hurt blogs a demeaning name 驴肝肺特辑系列 (donkey’ liver and lung series),  she downloaded our bloggers' family pictures without permit and posted in her blogs  to make explicitly derogatory comments. Our bloggers me included made repeated public appeal to demand her to stop, but she chose to ignore us. She probably thought she can be bold as she lives beyond United States jurisdiction. She may be right, so we are bringing her acts to your attention. I am of the opinion that what she did is criminal in nature according to German Criminal Code Art. 185, 186 and 187. Attached is her blog series referenced herein as evidence and her IP address (XXX) and email address. Based on her IP address provided, we believe she lives in Germany. 


  You may contact me should you need further information about this incident.


best regards











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