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Setup Outlook 2007-2010-2013 to access Gmail via IMAP

已有 8226 次阅读2015-10-13 21:07 |系统分类:技术支持 | 宽屏 请点击显示宽屏,再点击恢复窄屏 | 动漫全图 如只见部分动漫,请点击显示全图,再点击恢复窄图

Setup Outlook 2007-2010-2013 to access Gmail via IMAP

This guide will show you how to setup Microsoft Outlook 2007, 2010 or 2013 to access your Gmail account via the IMAP protocol so you can sync all your emails with the server. It is a relatively straight-forward process too and all you need is your Gmail email address, password, a pen and paper.

UPDATE: Google are always changing their security requirements and recently Outlook (all versions) was affected, so if after following this guide you keep getting a password prompt, visit the Gmail article My client isn’t accepting my Gmail username or password and do two things (1) activate the Unlock Captcha and then (2) enable access from less secure apps. You should now be able to follow this guide and everything will work fine.

Watch the video above or follow the text guide below.

Setup Outlook to access Gmail via IMAP

Enable IMAP in Gmail

  1. Open your browser and login to your Gmail account: http://mail.google.com/
  2. Make sure you are in Standard View, not HTML View as these settings are unavailable in HTML/Basic view
  3. Click the Gmail Settings icon Gmail Settings at the top-right of the page
  4. Click the Settings menu item
  5. Click the Forwarding and POP/IMAP tab
  6. In the IMAP Access heading select the following options:
    1. Select: Enable IMAP
    2. Select: Auto-Expunge on – Immediately update the server. (default) (recommended)
    3. Select: Archive the message (default) (recommended)
    4. Select: Do not limit the number of messages in an IMAP folder (default) (recommended)
  7. Click Save Changes

Configure Outlook to access Gmail via IMAP

  1. Open Outlook and…
    1. For a new, never before setup Outlook 2007/2010/2013:
      1. The Microsoft Outlook 20xx Startup screen should now be open
      2. Click Next > then select Yes to the Would you like to configure an E-mail account? option, then click Next > again
    2. For a previously setup Outlook 2007 (ie. you are adding an email account in addition to an existing one):
      1. Click the Tools menu, then click Account Settings
      2. Now select the E-mail tab and click the New… button
      3. You should now see the Choose E-mail Service screen
      4. Select the Microsoft Exchange, POP3, IMAP, or HTTP option and click Next >
    3. For a previously setup Outlook 2010 or 2013 (ie. you are adding an email account in addition to an existing one):
      1. Click the File tab, then click the Info menu item (left pane) then click the + Add Account button
  2. The Auto Account Setup screen should now be in-view
  3. Select the Manually configure server settings or additional server types option and click Next >
    1. For Outlook 2013, select the POP or IMAP option on the Choose service screen, then click Next >
    2. For Outlook 2007 and 2010, leave the Internet E-mail option selected and click Next >
  4. Enter your details into the Internet E-mail Settings screen as follows:
    1. Your Name: [enter your name]
    2. Your E-mail: [enter your email address]
    3. For Account Type: option, choose IMAP
    4. For Incoming mail server: field, type imap.gmail.com
    5. For Outgoing mail server: field, type smtp.gmail.com
    6. User Name: [enter your full email address ie. yourname@gmail.com]
    7. Password: [enter your email password] & leave the Remember password box checked
    8. Leave Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA) box un-checked (important!)
    9. Leave Test account settings by clicking the Next button box checked (recommended)
  5. Click the More Settings… button, then select the Outgoing Server tab
  6. Check the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication box
  7. Select the Use same settings as my incoming mail server option
  8. Select the Advanced tab, then enter port details as follows:
    1. Incoming server (IMAP): 993
    2. Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL (important!)
    3. Outgoing server (SMTP): 587
    4. Use the following type of encrypted connection: Auto
    5. Server Timeouts: 5 minutes
    6. Leave other settings at defaults unless you require otherwise
    7. Click OK to close the More Settings… window, then click Next > on the Internet E-mail Settings screen
  9. Outlook will now attempt to logon to the incoming server, then send a test message to the outgoing server
  10. If Outlook is successful at both, you will see 2 green ticks, click the Close button on the Test Account Settings popup
  11. You should now see the Congratulations! screen, click Finish and you’re all done
  12. If Outlook was unsuccessful (1 or 2 red cross) double-check your settings and if needed, go through this guide again









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