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上按:话说上一回有译“25部最伟大的情色文学”,正思忖40有余50不足,还要扌扉个整数。只是从来西语如画符,与我不通如奈何。肯巧在前几日,80荣休的芮效卫教授,穷40年之心力,终得出成5卷之巨的英译足本《金瓶梅》,毕正果矣。这芮效卫也是个奇人;看他名儿“David Tod Roy”,由来间已与“金瓶梅”暗款幽曲。他年韶龄还才二八,斯人便已出入浪肆,寻我奇书第一。此一段“孽缘”,用笑笑生言,那就是,“从脚看到头,风流往上流。”真可谓,“多少春色娇还媚,只晓采花成酿蜜。”我们这里便借云行雨,把着胆来读他一读,往而不交非礼也。

After what seemed like half a day, Ch'iu-chü was the first(第一之义累了,也不应景) to appear, holding a cool bamboo bed mat(凉快的竹席;凉席未必为竹席), a pillow, and a quilt in her arms(原文未提为"一",其实枕头要二才好).
"Put the bedding down," the woman instructed her, "and latch(拽译为闩) the garden gate on your way out(出去而闩?出去关门就是反锁矣). Then go look after the room(房里), and don't come back(来,还是回来) unless I call for you."
Ch'iu-chü nodded(秋菊是潘金莲丫鬟,古时虽有点头一语,此处仿佛不周;潘金莲,西门庆第五房妾) in assent, put down the bedding, and went off straightaway.
Hsi-men Ch'ing thereupon stood up, took off his jade-colored silk(纱丝有别) tunic, hung(搭) it over the balustrade, and went over under the flower trellis beside the juniper hedge(园艺中的灌木篱墙,长围之花床) on the west(多出义) side of the peony bed(多于地上,形以圃状) to relieve himself(方便,未分大小).
By the time he returned(还是从西门官人视角好,情双成戏,总摄人心), the woman had already unrolled the cool bamboo mat and positioned the pillow and quilt to her satisfaction(此词无可无不可). She had stripped herself so that not a stitch of silk remained on her body(英语很直接), above or below, and was reclining face-up on the mat, wearing scarlet shoes on her feet,(译者于床极事铺陈,而不谙鞋趣,可噌) and cooling herself with a white silk fan that she held in her hand(未有弄意).
这西门庆起身,脱下玉色(此字译言不识)纱儿(一种袍服,裙制),搭在栏杆上,径往牡丹台(植花物之台)畔花架下,小净手(解小手,犹小洗手)去了。回来,见妇人早在架儿底下,铺设凉簟枕衾停当,脱的上下(above or below,此时正卧也)没条丝,仰卧于衽席之上,脚下穿着大红鞋儿(裸身着鞋,其实还算有条丝),手弄白纱扇儿凉。
When Hsi-men Ch'ing came back and beheld this sight, how could it help but(还是汉语短直,则有力):
Stimulate his lecherous desires?(真是赫然在目)
Thereupon, exhilarated(言兴奋而已,又是生理罢了) by the wine(兴,兴致是也), he took off his own clothes, above and below(难道是上下脱衣,倒是别有今人意趣), sat down on a cool porcelain taboret(凉墩,陶瓷做成,故而凉沁;只是此凉非彼凉), and started out(有先则有后,这是因由说事,与"开始"不同) by titillating her clitoris(休矣,此斯文扫地,径作猫咪也好。从性学上讲,这个花心当不是阴蒂一物;事理上,致比譬不类也) with his toe. He titillated it to such effect that her vaginal fluids began to flow("开始"又来了;其实后边开始还多), like a snail secreting its slime(黏液,这才是又湿又暴力).58 He then took off the woman's red embroidered shoes(性心理中,鞋子才是重点), unwound her foot bindings(此词缠足是了,难怪要用unwind一语), and amused(这里用得没有进深) himself by using them to suspend her two feet from the grape arbor overhead(头顶), so that(此语太老实) she looked just like "A Golden Dragon Extending(伸) Its Claws." As a result:
Her vaginal orifice was greatly distended,
Her "Red Hook" was completely exposed, (原文赤仅言颜色,红钩大写其实不必)
and Her "Chicken Tongue" protruded from within.(内吐里边吐也,未必有出)
Hsi-men Ch'ing started out by stooping over her(原著是西门庆自己倒覆,而非他倒覆潘金莲,不然殊不可解) and placing his jade(拂尘为具指,此玉从何而来) chowrie handle59 inside(抵言顶,非放置能尽其意;原文未有"在内"之意,因为未必只在其内,具体事样多矣) the mouth of her vagina,60 thus demonstrating the position known as "Inserting the Arrow(箭) Upside Down."(这最后一句,是出于行文之趣而敷衍,作附补之说,而非刻意阐释;"倒入翎花"也当是临时借语) Supporting himself with one hand on her pillow, he proceeded to thrust with all his strength(极力,有尽一切办法之意,即极尽能事,而非用尽全部力气;这个可想而知,如是确有骇人处). He continued to thrust until her vaginal secretions(生理课一般,过) flowed uninterruptedly, making a sound(原文几乎是指液体而言而非声音;这个,这个,这个当是作者按一般人的经验而虚与) like a school of(一群,原文摹状黏腻滑湿之态,多则反而不好,过了分矣) loaches plunging through the mud.61 The woman, from underneath, inarticulately(语声朦胧) called out, "Daddy!" unceasingly.
Just as they were approaching(接近) the height of bliss, who should appear but(原文中,似乎并无春梅不该出现的文意,亦于此无关紧要;想某官人可是何人,来的正是时候) Ch'un-mei, who had come with the heated wine(一些版本做烫,这是夏天,似乎很有不妥). As soon as she saw what was happening, she put down the wine flagon(酒壶) and fled(逃,原文只是淡淡的回避,甚至是欲擒故纵之推就法;译者心思良善矣) straight to the top of the artificial hill, the highest point in the garden(花园最高处,多出此意为那般), where she leaned(依靠,无前倾意) over a chess table in the Cloud Repose Pavilion and toyed with the chess pieces.
When Hsi-men Ch'ing looked up and saw where she had gone(原文未说,实际忙乎中的西门庆,也应该没有看见她走了,关键这更不是重点;从情状来看,没看见最有意思), he beckoned to her with his hand(纯粹招手示意而不叫她,这肯定不够) but was unable to induce(这里没有引诱意更合情) her to come down.
"Little oily mouth!" he exclaimed. "If I can't get you down here, I might as well give up."(原文还是不少硬硬的亲昵味)
Thereupon, abandoning the woman, he set off in pursuit(多出意), but by the time he had run up the stone steps in great strides, all the way to the pavilion on the summit(多出意), Ch'un-mei had come down by way of a winding(多出意) "sheep's-gut(此意似乎出自其他版本)" path on the right side of the hill(其实作者也不知道,这右道是以什么为参照), passed through the whitewashed(粉白的) "snow cave" of Hidden Spring Grotto(藏春洞), and arrived at the Dripping Emerald Cavern(滴翠洞) halfway(半途,还是半山腰) down in the "waist" of the hill(山腰), where the flowering vegetation was at its thickest.
Just as she was in the act of hiding there, Hsi-men Ch'ing unexpectedly caught sight of(瞥见不等于撞见) her and, embracing her around the waist as she stood in the shadows, said, "Little oily mouth! I've got you after all(原文为却也)."
He then lightly picked her up(多出意) and carried her down to the grape arbor where, saying with a laugh, "You must(原文为且) have a cup of wine," he proceeded to sit her down on his lap and the two of them passed a cup of it back and forth between them(一递一口,指饮酒时彼此应答说着话).
When Ch'un-mei saw that the woman's two feet were suspended from the arbor, she said, "What do the two of you think you're up to? In broad daylight too! If anyone should happen along(原文重在突然,而非偶然) and catch you in the act it would look most unbecoming(不适当,不得体)."
"Was the postern gate closed or not?"62 Hsi-men Ch'ing asked.
"I put the latch(闩不同于扣) on it when I came in," said Ch'un-mei.
"Little oily mouth," said Hsi-men Ch'ing, "you can look on(此谓露骨,还有"你瞧"呢) as I play a game of 'pitching into the fleshly pot.' This variation is called 'Shooting the Silver Goose with a Golden Pellet.' You watch(这就是"你瞧"了,生得如此这般); for every pellet that hits the target(要的是要入得其中) I'll drink a cup of wine."
Thereupon, he reached into the bowl of ice water(冰水,还是冰碗要好;虽然冰要化水,但那不管言者事) for a jade-yellow(玉黄色) "imperial damson"(御李?) plum63 and pitched it at the orifice of the woman's vagina(阴口). He pitched three of these in a row and each of them struck the clitoris(从物理学上看,有些造了;我人此物微矣,以李子之大,如何得击;或又解花心为子宫,更是神矣). Hsi-men Ch'ing accordingly downed(大口喝下,非此游戏兴味) three cups of the medicated Five Spice Wine. He also(又) had Ch'un-mei pour a cup of wine and give it to the woman to drink(吃酒,若有雅意).
Hsi-men Ch'ing then inserted(嵌入) a damson plum(西洋李子,我明人有口福) into the woman's vagina and neither removed it nor proceeded to any further action(行事,言行房事;如斯以行房,当有别致), which had the effect of arousing the woman until:
Her amorous desires were in a tumult(乱,还未急也), and
Her vaginal fluids began to overflow, (始,犹未直也)
but she was too embarrassed(冏了,冏矣;所谓朦胧,销魂已哉) to call out(多出意,问题是这个违背了性学事实,女人此时,不仅不是叫不得出,反而叫有不禁). Instead:
Her starry eyes grew dim, and (朦胧非指眼之形色,而在意态)
Her four limbs lay inert(要如木鸡) upon pillow and mat.64
Finally she called out:
Her oriole's voice all aquaver,(aquaver,一而颤,再而颤)
"What a cruel lover! You'll do me to death yet."("作怪"未见)
Hsi-men Ch'ing paid no attention to her but(与原句意味有变故,几如颠倒) told Ch'un-mei to stand by and cool him with a fan as he devoted himself to the wine(不理他只顾吃酒). As the cups passed back and forth(坐实来去), he continued to drink until he ended up reclining faceup on a "Drunken Old Gentleman's" lounge chair and fell fast asleep(先要打睡).
As soon as(行文意下的太急) Ch'un-mei saw that he was in a drunken stupor(语义重心移而至醉), she came over to make sure by giving him an experimental caress(解的真细而碎焉,可是解花语也) and then disappeared in a cloud of dust(在一溜烟中) through the whitewashed "snow cave" (雪言其凉,非言其色)on her way back to the rear compound(夯实为回后边的院落). She heard someone calling to get in through the postern gate(门未开,便可以过?), and when she opened it, it turned out to be Li P'ing-erh.
No one disturbed(还欠由意几分) Hsi-men Ch'ing's nap(后来是真大睡了,非小矣), and he slept for about two hours before waking up. When he opened his eyes(醒来,睁开眼睛) he saw that the woman’s two fresh white legs were still splayed to either side as they hung suspended from the grape arbor overhead(这仿佛是西式吊缚;细考上下之文可得,仅拴其两脚左右分力而吊;被吊者尚能吃酒,其吊之用力,当至于某段身子而止,否则亦苦矣).
Unable to restrain his lust,65
he noticed(所谓因见,是见然后方才注其意) that Ch'un-mei was no longer in evidence(原文跟前,言侍婢不在位也) and, turning to the woman, said, "All right, I'll let you have it now.(fuck亦足矣)"
Thereupon, he first fished(掏,捞;讲作掏,则有不堪之处) the damson plum out of her vagina and made the woman eat it. Then he sat down on a pillow, pulled the bag of sexual implements(性工具) out of the wallet attached to his silk jacket(纱可以是丝质;纱丝言不同事), and fastened(固定) in place first the silver clasp(扣子,不知译者何谓;银托子、硫磺圈都是环状物,一用于头,一用于根) and then the sulfur-imbrued ring(硫磺浸制的圈;硫磺不溶于水,若是当另有他法).66
At first he only dallied(还是擂人为妙) back and forth in the mouth of her vagina, refusing(拒绝,原文为不肯;所谓拒绝,当有所求的存在) to penetrate(不止插也,擂便是花样) deeply, which had the effect of arousing the woman until(与原文有异意) she arched her back in response to his every movement(译意:弓背而应;急耶迎耶?仰耶播耶?), while crying out unceasingly, "Daddy, hurry up and get inside! You're driving this whore(妓女;妓女在于卖,而不在于淫) of yours crazy! I know you're upset with me on account of Li P'ing-erh and are deliberately pulling out the stops(使出这些手段) to teach me a lesson(教训;这里玩的是性虐,双方心理皆如此). After what you've put me through today, I won't dare defy(违抗,少了情趣) you anymore."
"You little whore(妓女,与淫妇不同)," laughed Hsi-men Ch'ing, "as long as you understand what's what, we can negotiate the better(原文玩笑打情语也)."67
Thereupon, after titillating her clitoris(小说家语,何苦入科学家言) a little further(一面,一边...一边之义), he withdrew(此意虚晃一招) his organ, opened the bag from his wallet, picked out a glob of the aphrodisiac ointment(春药膏) called "Amorous Cries of Boudoir Beauties(闺艳春叫)"68 with his finger and thumb, and, daubing it in the mouth of his urethra, plunged the object (难道"这个物体/那话儿"指春药;原文顶入,言顶入抹有春药的那个玩意儿,不单指某一)into her vagina and gave a few thrusts with it.
In no time at all his organ became proud and firm.(此句本在前段煞尾)
Its protuberances(隆起?还是条状血管?) swelled and its head sprang up, (男根之头)
as it became engorged with rage. Hsi-men Ch'ing:
Bent his head the better to observe,(西门庆之头,多出一头)
The coming and going, thrusting and retraction;69
Savoring the sight as it went in and out.70(观赏?)
As the woman lay beside the pillow:
Her starry eyes grew dim, and
She moaned incessantly, (没口子更动色)
inarticulately calling out, "My big-dicked daddy! What are you up to? Go all the way in(go all the way,有性交之意) and be done with it(罢了它). The itch in the clitoris of the cunt(解剖学矣) of this whore of yours has entered into the marrow of her bones. Take pity on me and let me off for now."
In the mouth of this whore no expression, no matter how unspeakably obscene, was left unsaid.
As for Hsi-men Ch'ing, once he got started he was good for three or four hundred thrusts at a time. Supporting himself facedown(面朝下,反了) on the pillow and mat with both hands, arching his back(为什么又是弓着背) and exerting all his strength, responding(原文迎,也有对着的意思) to her movements(她的动作;原文看,潘金莲似乎只是默默而受) and raising himself to the task, he retracted his organ as far as its neck(胫解着脖子,颈矣) and plunged it in all the way up to the root another hundred times or so.71 The woman, from underneath, used a napkin(莫误为餐巾) to wipe away her vaginal secretions, but they continued to flow(一直在流;随...随...,言拭了马上又有), as a result of which the mat was completely soaked. Hsi-men Ch'ing alternately submerged and exposed the knob of his glans(把稜解作龟头圆锥块), moving back and forth and teasing her without mercy(多出意).
Turning to the woman, he said, "I'm going to demonstrate(本为玩事) the position known as 'The Old Monk Rings the Dinner Bell(原来撞的是餐钟,有意思).' "
All of a sudden, he arched his back(还是好奇,为何为弓背) and lunged forward, thrusting himself inside her until the tip of his organ penetrated all the way to her cervix(宫颈). The cervix is the innermost recess of the vaginal chamber and contains a fleshy growth like the budding pistil of a flower(直如从教科书摘来). When the glans of his penis penetrates to this point without being deflected(不偏不斜;差矣,原文之"直"言破竹之势,一入抵顶), the man will feel a melting sensation the pleasure of which is indescribable(原文写茎首感觉也,换作了整个人儿).72
The woman was hurt(触疼与疼,是一个问题) and responded with a sudden(突地) upward buck of her body, as a result of which, what could be heard but a cracking sound as the sulfur-imbrued ring broke inside her. As for the woman:
Her eyes dimmed(瞑闭也), her respiration slowed(息止也),
The sound of her breathing(当为”呻吟“声) was barely audible,
The tip of her tongue became ice-cold, and
Her four limbs lay inert upon the mat.73(还有一"收"义)
Hsi-men Ch'ing became alarmed and hastily unfastened the foot bindings by which her feet were suspended from the arbor. He then fished the sulfur-imbrued ring and the "titillating bell" (多出一个缅铃什么的来,译者真是念念在怀,信矣)out of her vagina and broke them in two.
Thereupon, he helped the woman into a sitting position, and it was only(此"仅仅",可是译者为西门庆而用) after what seemed like half a day that:
Her starry eyes flashed open with surprise,74 (惊喜地,反了)
and she gradually(惊闪之时,就是苏醒之时;若是,则无渐渐之义) came back to her senses.
She then turned to Hsi-men Ch'ing and said, with coquettish tears,75 "My own daddy! How could you be so cruel to me today? You almost cost me my life. From now on you must never do anything like that again.
It would be no laughing matter.(这不是闹着玩的)
As it is:
My head feels so dizzy,(还有目义)
I hardly know where I am."76
Noticing that the sun was already sinking in the west, Hsi-men Ch'ing hastily helped(帮,则自己需要动手;观原文,似乎并无金瓶梅事) her on with her clothes and called for Ch'un-mei and Ch'iu-chü to put away the bedding and help him get her back to her room(还有扶义).
Ch'un-mei returned to the garden to oversee Ch'iu-chü as she cleared up the tableware from the feast. Just as she was about to close the garden gate, the head servant Lai-chao's son, Little Iron Rod, came scrambling out from underneath the flower trellis and pestered her for some fruit to eat.
“Where did you come from, you little jailbird?" said Ch'un-mei, giving him a few damson plums and peaches. "Your father's drunk. Hadn't you better get back to the front of the compound? If he sees you, I fear, you're likely to get a beating."
The little monkey took the fruit and went off straightaway. Ch'un-mei closed the garden gate and then went back to the room where she helped(助) Hsi-men Ch'ing and the woman as they:
Got into bed and prepared to sleep.
But no more of this(多出意). Truly:
In the morning he attends(无从意) feasts in Golden Valley,77
In the evening he favors(无伴意) beauties in ornate houses.
But do not consider these to be occasions for joy,
Time's flowing light only chases the sunset clouds.78
If you want to know the outcome of these events,欲知后事如何
Pray consult the story related in the following chapter.且听下回分解(原无)

Chapter 81
Han Tao-kuo Takes Advantage of a Chance to Appropriate the Goods;
T'ang Lai-pao Defrauds His Master and Disregards His Benevolence
第八十一回 韩道国拐财远遁 汤来保欺主背恩
All things are determined by Heaven,1 there is no
point in seeking to alter them;2
The Lord of Heaven's control of just retribution
is both clear and inescapable.
Those who give rein to their lascivious thoughts
and defile the wives of others;
Will suffer the ingratitude of subordinates who
betray them and steal their goods.
Not to mention the fact that after one is dead
others will be up to their tricks;
It has ever been true that when one loses power
one's servants will be ungrateful.
It is deplorable that Hsi-men Ch'ing should have
accumulated such unfavorable karma;
That he enabled unscrupulous scoundrels to enjoy
his wealth for half their lifetimes.
【同前述一般,虽然“not to mention”与“多愧”似乎有所照应,但译诗颈联与“山阳”、“鲍叔”之典已经各说各事;而且它所谈的,近乎于仍然是重复前一联的“拐财”与“欺主”。尾联译诗一如既往,已经无所谓翻译,而是译者原创,可以不说矣。】
The story goes that after Hsi-men Ch'ing had entrusted(原义为"托"?) Han Tao-kuo and Lai-pao with four thousand taels of silver and sent them to the Chiang-nan region to purchase goods, they proceeded along the way:
Imbibing the wind and resting by water,3
Stopping by night and traveling by day,  
until they arrived in Yang-chou, where they sought out(抓寻) the home of Miao Ch'ing in order to secure accommodations. When Miao Ch'ing read Hsi-men Ch'ing's handwritten note and remembered how he had done him:
The favor of saving his life,
he did everything in his power to entertain the two of them, enabling them to spend their days:
Scanning the flowers and inspecting the willows,
Drinking wine and seeking to gratify themselves.4
【话说,买是purchase,置买也是purchase;但是置买与买到底有所不同。当然了,英汉汉英之译,这种事儿多了的去。只是译文这里“风餐露宿,日夜兼程”不知所本为甚;而且还断如诗般。借宿一般不是为了求安(secure),“想”是为感念,而非记起(remember)。按照译文的意思,几乎是苗青花钱让二人寻花问柳;“趋奉”的意思,只是奉承和服侍。“只到初冬天气”二句,译者将其转移到了“one day”之后。类似处理的,还有“one day”之后的5句诗——是“5”句,所写为寒云、泣鹅(不是鸥)、落叶和荒景。仔细说来,不胜是受不了,而不是insurmountable(难以克服)。由是观之,译者似乎还不大适应中国人的美学表现。】
One day, early in the winter:
The frigid clouds were austere,
The crying geese were desolate,
The trees were shedding leaves,5
The landscape had turned bleak,
Homesickness was insurmountable.6
Thereupon, the two of them exerted themselves to visit one place after another(类似"各处"), spending their remaining resources(原文为"银",没有"剩下的") to purchase piece goods(不是"布匹"), and storing them in Miao Ch'ing’s home preparatory to their departure.
Prior to this, Han Tao-kuo engaged the services of a singing girl named Wang Yü-chih from the Old Quarter in Yang-chou, whom he had patronized in the past, and Lai-pao engaged the services of the younger sister of Lin Ts'ai-hung, named Lin hsiao-hung, to help them entertain the Yang-chou salt merchant Wang Ssu-feng(王海峰) and Miao Ch'ing on a daylong excursion to Pao-ying lake, which was some distance from Yang-chou.
When they arrived back in the licensed(这个是指营业执照?) quarter, it turned out to be the birthday of the madam of Wang Yü-chih's establishment(鸨母), and Han Tao-kuo invited them all (众人还是他们?)to a party to celebrate Auntie Wang the First's birthday(Auntie Wang the First,Auntie姨妈也,王一妈实犹妈妈). For this purpose, he sent his young employee Hu Hsiu to purchase wine and comestibles(买酒食?) for the occasion, and also to invite the traveling merchants Wang Tung-ch'iao and Ch'ien Ch'ing-ch'uan to join them. Who could have anticipated that the two of them, along with Wang Ssu-feng, duly showed up, but Hu Hsiu did not return until sunset.
【表子就是妓女,不类singing girl。旧院,明时指妓女丛聚之所;whom he had patronized in the past一语,不知本事在哪里,难道是与前边的“以报其恩”相仿佛。Lin hsiao-hung,注意,妓女林彩虹的妹子“小红”真叫林小红。原文中,“先是”,“请”这二位女子,似乎与“一日”后的湖上游没有直接关系。“游了一日”,不同于一日游;daylong,整天。which was some distance from Yang-chou,增加这一意义似乎没有很大必要。实际上,今天的宝应湖距离扬州市区超过200里,一日游都不轻松。白,竟然。】
Han Tao-kuo, who was already somewhat inebriated, took him to task, saying, “Who knows where this rascal has been guzzling wine, only to show up now? He is reeking with alcohol, and our guests have already been here for what seems like half a day(半日). Who knows where you have come from, but you can be sure I’ll reckon with you tomorrow.”
Hu Hsiu looked askance at him and left the room, muttering as he went(边走边说?), “You have some nerve to take me to task when at home your wife is:
Lying down with spread legs to solicit trade,
and you are here:
Clambering on top in order to drop your load.
Your master back at home is patronizing your wife and fucking the life out of her(不值了), which is the only reason he has entrusted capital to you to do business out of town. Meanwhile, you are enjoying yourself here while your wife is suffering who knows what at home. It’s only because no one has exposed your true state of affairs that you are still able to play the role of a decent human being.”
He said all this in the presence of Wang Yü-chih's madam, who took him outside andadmonished him, saying, "Master Hu, you are drunk. You'd better go into your room and sleep it off."
Hu Hsiu, however:
Making all kinds of threatening noises,
refused to go into his room.
Who could have anticipated that Han Tao-kuo, who was engaged in entertaining his guests,formally garbed in a white satin robe cut like that of a Taoist priest, over an undergown of green wool, felt shoes, and woolen socks, should have overheard(此句何来?无意中听到,其实这里与有意无意无关) the way in which Hu Hsiu was:
Letting off his hot stinking farts of protest,7 (放屁辣臊)
and become enraged.
Striding outside, he gave him two swift kicks and cursed him, saying, "You lousy uncouth slave! As long as I can afford to pay you five cash a day, I will have no trouble finding a replacement. You can get out of here immediately.("即时赶他去")"
【你不知那里来,翻译为Who knows where you have come from,似乎太直。其实,这句相当于是说:你不知哪儿去了,或者从哪里摸出来了。同样,这里的“半天”当是颇久的意思。合蓬,趴着睡的意思;丢,搞,不是drop your load。这句话是骂:老婆在家卖淫,丈夫在外嫖娼。老爹,译作your master,指主子;包,不类 patronize。“不值了”这个意义似乎很重要,漏掉的话上下文可能逻辑不顺。原文大概是骂,因为“不值”当然卖不了钱,所以只好让你出来挣。咱,早晚的合音;这咱,这时候。仰搧,仰卧算了。化白,揭丑。】
But Hu Hsiu refused to leave; standing in the courtyard and raising his voice, he said, "What right(什么权利,汗) have you to drive me out? I haven't been remiss in handling the accounts, while you are patronizing(养?) whores(妓女), yet you want to get rid of me. Just see if I don't report what you've been up to when I get home."
Lai-pao endeavored to pacify Han Tao-kuo and pulled Hu Hsiu aside, saying to him, "Dog bone that you are, you're altogether too hard-nosed when you're drunk."
"Uncle Pao," Hu Hsiu responded, "Don't you interfere. What have I had to drink? let me have it out with him."
But Lai-pao persisted in pushing him into his room and putting him to bed. Truly:
Wine does not befuddle people, they
     befuddle themselves.
Beauty does not delude people, they
     delude themselves.8
【有什么权利,与我们明代有些相左。原文是养老婆,译文变为养妓女;不过。这里“老婆”的确意指娼妇。表子内子,相对言是了。酒硬,请勿联想,酒后无畏说硬话而已,与hard-nosed(倔)相近。你老人家休管他,软中带硬,翻译为Don't you interfere,似乎意味有变。声叫,叫嚷。扯,另外版本作拉。做一做,比一比。挺觉,虽言“睡觉”但语含意味,犹如洗洗睡吧。人自醉,是自己醉了自己?想来一部《金瓶梅》,何尝不是,酒不醉人人自醉。】
“醉闹葡萄架”一回,久已脍炙人口。谓此书为淫书者以此,谓此书不宜看者亦因此。阅至此回,详细追究,不觉哑然失笑。迨至中年,娶妻生子,此书本可不看。若夫花柳场中,浪子回头,看亦可,不看亦可。至于阅历既深,见解不俗,不看亦好,看亦好;正不妨一看再看。即此一回而论,亦不过言其淫,充其量而实写出耳。然尚不如《绿野仙踪》,更写得情趣如绘。昔人云:数见不鲜,见怪不怪。夫不鲜不怪,久视生厌矣。彼目光如豆,言之津津者,能勿贻笑于大雅之林乎? 光绪六年正月十三日(1880)

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